new blocks custom dialog and khud dialog in sketchware pro download

 Custom dialog are very much important when you want to make a better ui of your app. Custom dialog are also helpful when you not want to make many many activites and wishes to write less code and logic. 

Although sketchware pro allows you to create and show dialog of different types but there are many muh possiblities occur with custom dialog. When doing coding at sketchware pro , i use custom dialogs to show lottie animations and in reality this makes user experience much better. 

In this post i'll tell how you can make beautiful dialogs in sketch ware pro with latest blocks of custom dialog. 

Download blocks 
To download blocks for custom dialog and khud dialog in sketchware. You can use our app at playstore named " Sketchware pro blocks" or you can download from direct link.

Using Blocks
In view editor add a new custom view, in my case i named it as cst2. 
Inside this view i added a vertical layout and inside this vertical layout i added a progres bar, textview and edittext.

In my main.xml i added a button which will open the dialog. 

Button on click
In button onclick, add the blocks as shown in picture.

After that all other blocks are easy to use and you can customise them easily. 

Khud Dialog
In this block file i added khud dialog also. Currently these blocks are crashing in some user's phone and that's why i not added khud dialog tutorial.

If you face any problem in using these blocks, then you can ask in our disscusion group at telegram.


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